Tuesday 11 October 2011

Emergy-C, The Low Wattage Palette

Found this interesting.....

Use energy saving colours 


Yes you heard correctly, you can choose to use energy saving colours on your websites. I’m not making this up; there is an energy saving colour palette called Emergy-C. Apparently, if Google’s background colour was black as opposed to white they’d save 750 Megawatt-Hours a Year: read more about Black Google.
Sadly, that colour palette won’t always be great for your design but what it does is alert us to the fact that there are other ways to save the world just by doing our jobs.

Image from:  http://ecoiron.blogspot.com/2007/01/emergy-c-low-wattage-palette.html

Phil Thompson. How to be an eco-friendly web designer. Available: http://imgiseverything.co.uk/articles/how-to-be-a-eco-friendly-web-designer/. Last accessed 11/10/2011.

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