Rough Sketches

This Design would be created using 100% recycled board. The packaging would be kept to a minimum with a Die cut out part in the centre. The part leftover after cutting out could be seeded card which allows you to plant in the garden.
When it came down to printing, veg inks would be used. I liked the feel of the hessian sacks at Wye valley and think that this kind style would help give the packaging an organic feel.
For this design i have decorated the outer package with hops and wheat, again this will be kept to 1 or 2 colours making use of veg ink.
I wanted to use diecuts in the shape of the hop plants leaves, I also experimented with placing the condiment in a different place (lay on its side) to see if could help reduce packaging

I wanted to try and incorporate the surrounding area with this design with the river being the cut out window.
I also liked the idea of using an image of an old map printed on the packaging to give it a more local feel

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