Final Design and layout

I had noticed I had made a spelling mistake so corrected it. I also didnt think the colour was right after printing so changed it to a darker shade (see below)

I have chosen to use only one colour in my design accept for the Wye Valley logos. The colour used for type and decoration is Pantone 419ec. The package will be repurposed as a noticeboard using natural cork and sewn onto cardboard using raffa. The handle will be made from natural rope. The box will be one single peice of board with cuts to help keep the contents secure
This is what the inside of the box will look like once opened up.

The following images are what I created for the decoration. They are in the shape of hop leaves and display the key words relating to Butty Bach and HPA.

Butty Bach

Mock ups

Mocked up 3D Packaging
Packaging Solution in Situ
Noticeboard mock up in situ

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