
Final Prototype

The inside of the packaging will be covered in cork, which will allow the packaging to become a noticeboard.

A single strip of card will fit inside the packaging for extra support.

The top of the bottle will slot into the holes keeping them in place.

This packaging was meant to look like a farm building.I was inspired by an application called wordle that creates word clouds and wanted to create the shape of a hop leaf filled with wording relating to the contents of the packaging.


After creating my most recent packaging and putting its transportation to the test (Stourport to Worcester) I realised it wasnt going to be strong enough for purpose.

The rope didn't go as well as I had wanted! and the bottle fell out of the side when tilted.

This forced me to rethink the structure of the packaging.
One tip I had picked up in lecture, was that circular windows were much stronger than square windows. I am also going to try cutting a peice out from the back as well as trhe front to see if this gives more support to the products enclosed, another was how stronger board would help.


Sketched out net design

I liked the idea of using a gift tag to get across the idea of gift packaging.

Final Prototype

This design uses only one piece of card. The windows are cut and pushed inwards to give extra support to the products enclosed.

The top of the packaging will be secured using natural string or raffa

The package will then be used as a calander for a second use
After gaining feedback from Jenny from Wye Valley, I decided not to use the calendar idea as this would mean changing the design on a yearly basis. 

Printed Design

My final prototype has changed quite a bit, from a bulky cardboard box, to one simple peice of card, folded and cut to minimise the use of material, and to enable better storage when flat packed

First Mock up
Too much card used. This was modelled on the Hogans cider packaging I picked up from the Co-op

Only Two products would fit in this package

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