

After Cutting Out

(Q) What sort of product do you think could use a package like this? Do you think the item would fit straight off or would it need extra padding maybe?

(A) I think this package could be used for perfume or any sort of bottle, although if it was glass the board would need to be thicker or the inside of the packaging coukld have padding included

Package Before 

Package After

(Q) Does your chosen package use glue to keep it together? If “yes” then does it use it in abundance or in a minimal way? Can you suggest a way that [if glued] this pack might be put together without glue and using ‘locking’ tabs instead? Please note down your thoughts.

(A) No the packaging dosnt use glue, it uses interlocking parts

(Q) What sort of material is your chosen package made from – card, plastic etc? Is this material ‘virgin’ stock or is it re-used in some way or marked as ‘environmentally friendly’ in some way? Do you think it’s an effective material?

(A)The material used for this packaging is card, I couldnt see any markings/logos to say it was produced using recycled materials, but because the contents are supposed to be enviromentally freindly, I would guess that the box should be too. I think the material used is effective it felt quite strong and used layered peices of card.

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